by Phil Campbell, MS, MA, fold
Senior Games participant and author of the book
Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness - 2nd Edition
A new biomedical research shows why everyone should be more than 50 years of education for the Senior Games.
Research findings in 2002 show that we are the stronger body fat cutting, muscle-toning, anti-aging substance known to science to unleash course, with some types of exercise, training and the necessary training for many of the seniorGames events do the job.
Recent American Heart Association's research showing that high-intensity exercise significantly reduce the risk of heart disease can be cited. Simply, as exercise intensity increases, the risk of heart disease down.
The researchers compared the effects of different levels of training intensity for men, with an average age of 66. The exercise in patients at high-intensity group has produced a reduction of 31 percent of the risk for heart disease, which was 14 percentbetter than those who performed less intense exercise.
"The more physically active ... lower the risk of heart disease," explains researcher Dr. I-Min Lee, associate professor at Harvard Medical School.
Anti-Aging Exercise
Anaerobic exercise (as with aerobic exercises are compared) in the short, training with high intensity Sprint, rather than resistance training.
Researchers show that high intensity anaerobic training that include the short burst of you-get-out-of-breathSprint to resolve the types of exercise your body, significant amounts of growth hormone (Impact of acute exercise intensity on pulsatile growth hormone release in men, 2000, Pritzlaff).
Like children, makes the growth hormone (HGH), greater than us, but when you reach our height, this hormone actually changes roles. If we adults always HGH reduces body fat and trims inches. Growth hormone is actually the hormone "fitness" for the middle-aged and older adults.
New studiesshow that HGH can be up to 530 percent with the anaerobic exercise of Sprint increased (The timing of the human growth hormone response to a 6s and 30s cycle ergometer Sprint, 2002) Stokes.
Anaerobic sprint training may include many sports, including running, swimming, cycling, cross country skiing, and all these are Senior Games events.
Whatever you do, do not!
Do not jump to perform well in anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic fitness is clearlythe most productive, but also the most dangerous. Hamstring pulls are a painful potential injury, so flexibility training is essential for any fitness level.
Everyone, especially those with heart conditions or health problems should receive medical approval prior to their anaerobic activity. Even young athletes should progressively ease into high-intensity anaerobic training.
Older patients get results with minimal effort
If you see a 80-year-old runs a participant10-K or work in the gym, I do not think it's a shame that you can not run fast or lift as her 60-year-old colleague. It is easier to achieve higher intensities.
The American Heart Association study shows that the intensity of the exercise is on a person's age and fitness. In other words, an elderly person, with a high level of intensity achieved by level of difficulty, which can be very low intensity for a young athlete.
The new study confirms the needfor higher intensities, but also demonstrates that beginners and older adults reach the more productive levels of exercise intensity with less fatigue of a triathlete, for example.
Newcomers with high-intensity exercise can begin to get good results, as more and anaerobic training with power walking, but a finely tuned triathletes need more work for the same results.
If you are over the age of 50 years to get medical clearance first, select a Senior Games event or two and with a firstgradual development of a training program.
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The American Heart Association release
National Library of Medicine:
"The secretory response to exercise GH is related to the intensity of a linear dose-response exercise Pattern. "
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 11960957 & dopt = Abstract
"It seems that the expected duration of up to a bout of sprint exercise the level of HGH" response ... "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 12137178 & dopt = Abstract
"The response to exercise GH secretory http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih is related to the intensity of exercise." > Gov / doi / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 10444604 & dopt = Abstract
Studies of support:
"We can conclude that a positive relationship between intensity of exercise and both CHO (carbohydrates) expenditure during training and there are no expenses of fat during recovery, and that the increase in fat expenditure during recovery with ' exercise of greater intensity is associated with the release of GH. "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.> Gov / entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 10956336 & dopt = Abstract
"GH accelerates body fat loss, exerts anabolic effects and improves GH secretion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 11706505 & dopt = Abstrac
"Exercise is a powerful stimulus of GH secretion" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 12457419 & dopt = Abstract
"TotalCarbohydrate oxidation (exercise plus post exercise period) was significantly higher for HIE (High Intensity)
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 9100214 & dopt = Abstract
". A minimum of 10 minutes, with the high-intensity exercise consistently increased circulating GH in adult men."
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / Entrez / query.fcgi? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & list_uids = 1619005 & dopt = Abstract
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